I help progressive causes drive social and political change.

I advise leaders enabling them to build and scale campaigns that shift attitudes, move people to action, define reputations, and influence policymakers.

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How I work

I blend public affairs, grassroots mobilisation, and media relations to help leaders build multidisciplinary campaigns that drive real change.

I provide one-off support as well as a range of retainer options. I also partner with a small network of experts across various fields, enabling me to provide additional capacity on larger projects and offer seamless integration for complex campaigns.

My service offering

  1. Political Analysis: In-depth analysis of political risks and opportunities

  2. Government Relations & Public Affairs: Developing and refining strategies for influencing policy and legislation, and assisting with outreach and engagement.

  3. Grassroots Mobilisation: Developing and refining strategies for mobilising grassroots supporters.

  4. Stakeholder Research and Engagement: Conducting research on key stakeholders, and supporting engagement.

  5. Messaging Development: Crafting and refining messages for effective communication

  6. Coalition Building: Assistance in building and mobilising coalitions across civil society.

  7. Media Relations and Engagement: Establishing and maintaining positive relations with media, managing media engagement including print and broadcast media.

  8. Spokesperson Training: Bespoke training to equip leaders with the skills and confidence to handle media interviews and select committee sessions.

  9. Purpose, Positioning, and Narrative: Assistance in defining organisational purpose and positioning.

  10. Digital & Social Media Advisory: Guidance on digital and social media engagement.

  11. Thought Leadership & Policy Development: Developing thought leadership content and policy positions.

  12. Monitoring: Political and media monitoring to keep track of issues and identify opportunities for influencing.

  13. Research & Insights: Conducting stakeholder interviews and commissioning polling and data analysis.

  14. Video Content: Assistance creating campaign videos to communicate your message clearly.

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